They had a stage set up with a band.
*I did not want to strangle Jack yesterday when learning it was his bath time he ran to the middle of my livingroom and proceeded to pee on this(that was on the floor because we were doing tummy time). My dogs are all very well behaved and would never do that!
*On the subject of dogs. My girls would never get in such a fight that one of them would reach up and bite Mike way too close to the valuables! Never! It did not draw blood and I did not laugh, not even a little.
*I did not think for a minute that when my Dad asked me to watch my two youngest sister yeah four more arms to hold Joseph and just maybe I would get to take a bath without Mike sitting in the bathroom with Joseph or it being 3am.
*When we got home from Walmart my sister did not tell me that my neighbor was home and then say shocked "and he's in his underwear" ala Friends- ugly naked guy. Except uh, not ugly.
*It's my job to cook tasty, nutritional meals while Mike works his butt of to buy diapers uh pay bills and I most definitely did not feed him and my sister some very oddly seasoned chicken legs Saturday.
Until next week.
January 26, 2008
38 weeks and 2 days
Joseph October 1st 2008 at 4:42am 8lbs 5oz 19.29 inches long
My baby!
I still plan on this being a knitting blog...I just now have someone to knit for. Will be back soon.