Sunday, February 08, 2009

Not me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is my first week participating in Not me Monday. I've been following My Charming Kids for a few weeks now and she makes everything look like so much fun so here we go..

I did not spend almost 300$ on more cloth diapers, hit up the yarn store and go to Ikea even though our income tax check is being held hostage until Monday at H&R block..

I did not get grossed out when Mike told me the guy behind me at dinner took his dentures out and LICKED them... My god! I know we were not(really) at a 5 star restaurant but that should just be saved for when you are alone...

I did not give in and give Emory a super short hair do..Her ears do not look like a cocker spaniels...

I did not talk Mike into taking Joseph and my sisters to the bowling ally by himself so that I could take a long bath...

I'm sure I have plenty more things I didn't do this week but I think I am not going to sneak away and take a long bath with Harry Potter...

On a serious note... This family went through what I think is the worst thing that could happen to someone, they lost little Cora.. Please go leave them a little love.


Gift of Surrogacy said...

Great first post on NOT me Mondays!

Unknown said...

Welcome to Not Me Monday! You have such a beautiful family! Wish I could have more than one dog, but my dog is a bit, er, "antisocial" with other canines.

Melissa said...

Thank you again for the ripple-saving email last week. My blanket is well underway, thanks to you. Your instructions are perfect!