Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Sock yarn

Ok, So I posted below about the Craft bazaar that Downtown Dallas had at the Farmers Market. Mike spoiled me and told me to get whatever I want(dangerous word). So I came home with the three skeins of 400yrd sock yarn and a bit of roving(which I tried to spin with my homemade spindle..I'm working on it ok). I couldn't get the pics to come out anywhere near right so here is the link . Here is the best of the crappy photos.

The pink, yellow and white is on its way to being a Monkey (one foot down and about half of the leg portion of the other). But the other two don't have plans yet. The STR(in lemongrass:) that I won I think decided it wants to be a jaywalker. So I have at least the next two months of knitting figured out.

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